A downloadable game

This is PaintBrawl!

A fast-paced competitive team shooter where strategy counts just as much as aim. Roll from cover to cover to move up the map, coordinate with team-mates to pin enemies down and set up the perfect crossfire. Last team standing wins the round, first team to 10 wins the match!


WASD - Movement
LMB - Shoot
RMB - Aim 
C - Crouch
SHIFT - Dodge Roll
V - Change camera perspective
<- -> - Change Spectator View


Nate D. - Game Design
Milton B. - Programming
Brian B. - Playtesting/Modeling


And thanks to the creators of the following community content...

Ali107 - 'A Button with Screen'

Iscender - 'Audio Trigger'

Wave Paradigm - 'Disable Mount and Crouch'

                                    - ' Level Spawner'

                                   - 'Weapon Spawner'

DanEld - 'Unequip After Death'

Chris - 'Shoulder Cam Switcher'

deadlyfishesMC - 'Simple Audio Trigger Zone'

NicholasForeman - 'Simple Spectator Camera'

Gabunir - 'Tutorial UI'

Antropy - 'Utility Light'

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